Golden Dawn and Syriza clash over Heil Hitler cries in Greek parliament

[postlink][/postlink]Golden Dawn and Syriza clash over Heil Hitler cries in Greek parliament

http// The neo Nazi Golden Dawn party is at the centre of another political row in Greece after one of its MPs was expelled from parliament amid cries of Heil Hitler.The sitting president had already warned Panayiotis Iliopoulos for repeatedly violating parliamentary rules by insulting fellow deputies.After he had called them goats scoundrels and wretched people security guards were called to lead him away.The phrase Heil Hitler was clearly heard three times although who shouted it is in dispute. Golden Dawn claims the cries came from left wing deputies from the opposition Syriza party. However Stavros Kontonis an MP from Syriza is having none of it.For second time this week we hear Hitler being glorified inside parliament by Golden Dawn MPs. Its strange the fact that in order to distance themselves from praising Hitler in a provocative way they claimed it was me who uttered this phrase ironically. But this is refuted by their own evidence he told euronews.Amid anger at the recession and resentment at immigration Golden Dawn won 18 seats in last years Greek elections.Several deputies have had their immunity from prosecution lifted pending criminal charges.Find us on Youtube http// Facebook http// http//
euronews, world, Racism, Greece, Athens, Nazism

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